- Students & Parents
- Silver Strand Registration 2024-25
- Silver Strand Bell Schedule & Calendar 2024-25
- CUSD Student Calendar 2024-25
- CUSD Student Schedule 2024-25
- CUSD Grading Period Calendar 2024-25
- CUSD Account Logins and Communication
- Schoolwide Agreements and CUSD Discipline Action Guide
- Code of Conduct for Employee-Pupil Interactions
- Elementary Attendance Policy
- Health Office
- Activities and Clubs
- Bus Transportation Application
- Community Partners
- Silver Strand PTO
- Silver Strand School Song
- Title I Information
- Volunteer Information
- Military Programs at Silver Strand
- Champions Childcare
Important Forms & Links
Silver Strand PTO

Silver Strand Elementary School
Silver Strand 2023-2024 PTO
Email: silverstrandpto@gmail.com
The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the eductational experience here at Silver Strand, to develop a closer conection between teachers, parents and students; encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the environment at our school through volunteer and financial support.
Your donation will fund enrichment programs after school, family fun nights and community events, such as our annual Luau and Dinner fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
- DONATE: SSES PTO https://www.konstella.com/app/school/60c2404112bc74f9d1af3e90/donations/66c4b2331b5c14ee3b26598d
- VOLUNTEER:https://forms.gle/waq2ZCPTcJPkgeex8
- CONNECT: SSES PTO's Facebook Page
Board Members:
President - Jordan Juarez
Vice President - Giselle Hamik
Secretary - Emily Delgado
Treasurer - Jerika Ransomer
Parliamentarian - Jasmene Jones